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Lyrics 1:

Lyrics to the most requested songs from the forthcoming "Songwriter" series.

All lyrics © Wyson Lane Music. 



Further lyrics listed in alphabetical order can be found on Lyrics P2, 3 & 4. Follow links.


2020 Vision [Strange Times]
A Cold Wind Blows
Another Time, Another Place
Ashes To Ashes
Billy's Last Waltz
Bring Me Home
By The End Of The Day
Charity Dies
Dirty Needles
Dreamer & Stardust


Fire, flood, pollution, global warming, thought-controlling algorithms, pandemic - what next?]

Politicians take decisions born of avarice

Their money buys the truth with lies, condoning injustice

When stand accused they cry “Fake News”, and cite conspiracy

To silence those who dare oppose or chance to disagree

Strange times – strange times – strange times

Absolved of sin they weave and spin dystopian designs

And acolytes cause human rights to slip between the lines

Burn in hell all you who sell your soul to turn a deal

You terrorists, recidivists who scheme to maim and kill

Strange times – strange times – strange times


Mother Earth she cries “Enough!” withdraws her caring hand

Fire and flood, rivers of blood, contagion sweeps the land

The sands of time, her paradigm, turn hope into despair

As winds of change blow cold and strange, confusion fills the air

Strange times – strange times – strange times

Algorithms, the new religions, brainwash and enslave

Subject, submerse, subdue, coerce, from cradle to the grave

Dictate desire, what all require to meet an unknown need

We fall in line and gladly sign to satiate our greed

Strange times – strange times – strange times

Increased demand lays bare the land and kills the fatted calf

Exponential growth potential, poignant epitaph

Global warming, final warning, all must take the blame

Revolution, end pollution, time to change the game

Strange times – strange times – strange times  CH:

Mass infection, pre-selection, cruel eugenic war

The loaded dice craves sacrifice, the old, the sick, the poor

They stand condemned to comprehend a slow, pneumonic death

As silently the enemy now takes away their breath

Strange times – strange times – strange times

The plan must change to rearrange the way we treat the Earth

To overcome each loaded gun with phoenix-like new birth

To build a land where greed is banned, equality prevails

Where all survive to grow and thrive and seek their Holy Grails

Strange times – strange times – strange times  CH:

Strange times – strange times – strange times – strange times – strange times – strange times

Strange times


[An observation about the worst excesses of religious bigotry]

The holy men with words and pen now play the killing game
Accept no guilt when blood is spilt - the cleric feels no shame
Their promises of heaven’s bliss and everlasting life
Now underscore unholy war and all religious strife
And heaven knows when the evil shows and like a cancer grows deep in the shadows
Then a cold wind blows and the mistrust flows through our tomorrows

The infidel in bloodstained cell condemned as Devil’s spawn
Now counts the hours that time devours and prays he’ll see the dawn
But endless days his hopes erase, all dreams of love and peace
As silence calls through prison walls, his tortured screams now cease
And heaven knows when the mistrust shows and like a cancer grows deep in the shadows
Then a cold wind blows and the anger flows through our tomorrows

Ignorance breeds intolerance, they will not hear his plea
The case untried, justice denied, his crime to worship free
The zealot’s knife will take his life, the innocent must die
They must restore their holy law but give no reason why
And heaven knows when the anger shows and like a cancer grows deep in the shadows
Then a cold wind blows and the fear flows through our tomorrows

His tears now shed, he bows his head, prepares to meet his fate
A final prayer lost in despair, drowned out by cries of hate
By God betrayed he feels the blade and draws his final breath
Then dies alone, his name unknown, a makeshift martyr’s death
And heaven knows when the fear shows and like a cancer grows deep in the shadows
Then a cold wind blows and the hatred flows through our tomorrows

And heaven knows when the hatred shows and like a cancer grows deep in the shadows
Then a cold wind blows as the evil flows through our tomorrows
A cold wind blows


[Sometimes it just doesn't work out]

Finding love and falling freely, never known it quite like this
Promises given gladly, special words sealed with a kiss 
Wrote our tune and we played it neatly, every note so pure and strong
Harmonised and we sang it sweetly, found true love in our simple song

Making plans, we move too quickly; talk but don’t communicate
Seeds of doubt grow into worries, fears take root and germinate
Love that blossoms, it withers swiftly, can’t explain, just wondering why
Left in limbo, sinking sadly; no good reasons, no goodbye


We lost our way and we stumbled blindly

Lovers' lies filled the empty space

Thoughtless words never meant unkindly

Another time, another place

Another time, another place

Did we ask the questions clearly at the closing of each day?
Find the words and use them wisely ‘til we’d nothing left to say?
No last chance to say we’re sorry, no conclusions, left unsure
Is this how we end our story? Can’t believe there’s nothing more

Time to kill but tired and weary, nothing answered or explained 
All alone with thoughts and theories, nothing ventured, nothing gained
Left the stage we shared so fondly; a final act, our tragic fall
Walked away to wander lonely, no return, no curtain call


Another time, another place


[From the thoughts of a dear friend close to death]

The sound of silence it rings in my ears emptiness haunts me and plays with my fears
Family and old friends, loved ones all gone, don’t want to go on
The spirit is weakening, wasting away, bone starts to crumble, flesh to decay
Cold hands upon me, there’s ice in the veins of my mortal remains

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust this earthly body to thee we entrust
Light starts to dim and the darkness descend, a blessed release, this must be the end - must be the end

Thoughts are suspended and frozen in time, no new beginning, no Heaven sublime
Questions unanswered, words left unsaid, you’re a long time dead
Thoughts floating upwards, pulse running slow, body sinks downwards, it's time to let go
The Reaper is calling, there’s a chill in my heart, it’s time to depart...........

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust this earthly body to thee we entrust
Light starts to dim and the darkness descend, a blessed release
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust this earthly body to thee we entrust
Light starts to dim and the darkness descend, a blessed release this must be the end - must be the end


[Reflections about mental illness and loneliness]

Pity the man who lost his way, hides his face from the light of day
Crushed by hopelessness he cowers, empty minutes and lonely hours

Pity the man lost in despair, no human touch, no love to share
Life once vital now decays, empty hours and lonely days

Far from the naked truth he hides cloaked in the haunted dark resides
Consumed by the tune his demons play, he's wasting away

Pity the man who lost his heart, ripped from his breast and torn apart
Locked in endless hate and fears, empty days and lonely years
Pity the man who lost his mind, looks around, all he can find
Are solitary years in a lonely life so he twists the reaper’s knife
Far from the naked truth he cries cloaked in the haunted dark he dies
Consumed by the sound of a silent scream he's living his final dream
Pity the man who lost his past but found his way to peace at last
Unchained the pain of a troubled mind, left his torture far behind
Pity the man who died today, no fond farewell, he just slipped away

Here lies the man in a lonely grave, the man no-one could save
Here lies the man, his demons’ slave, here lies the man no-one could save
A solitary life and a lonely grave, the man no-one forgave


[Love can be a transport of delights]

Love is a ship that we sail in, caught in our stormy affair
Blown off course by our passion, dashed on the rocks of our despair
Keep your light burning bright until we reunite and on your top deck I will sail

Bring me home, bring me home and no more will I roam, guide me safe and secure through the gale

Love is a train that we ride in, steady and straight down the line
No chance of losing our direction, faithful for years by design
Keep your light burning bright until we reunite and on your footplate I will ride

Bring me home, bring me home and no more will I roam, guide me safe and secure to your side

Your guiding light it shines so brightly, through the darkness of the night

When I’m away it brings colour to my day
Not alone, it speeds me home, holds me true and sees me through
Guides me safe and secure back to you

Love is a plane that we fly in, on our emotional high
Spinning down to our destruction, reaching up towards the sky
Keep your light burning bright until we reunite and on your broad wings I will soar

Bring me home, bring me home and no more will I roam, guide me safe and secure to your door

Love is a car that we drive in, pure adrenaline urge
Quick to react and so responsive, powerful supercharged surge
Keep your light burning bright until we reunite and in your comfort I will cruise

Bring me home, bring me home and no more will I roam, guide me safe and secure back to you


[The futility of war and the effect it can have on one's sanity]

Dear Mum & Dad, the world has gone mad can’t tell you what happened today
Can’t write any more about the damned war in case I give something away
So, love to my sister, please tell her I’ve missed her, no way home by the end of the day
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

Can’t say how my mate, Billy Wiz, met his fate, can’t tell you he didn’t die clean
Bad news I’m afraid, a home-made grenade took his hands off and ruptured his spleen
Lost the sight in one eye so he’ll probably die, no way home by the end of the day
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

Or how poor Chalky White, he put up a good fight, got cornered not far from the souk
Bad news I’m afraid, they used a switchblade and he choked on his own blood and puke
They’d sliced open his throat like a sacrificed goat, no way home by the end of the day
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

I can’t mention the sarge’, ‘cos he’s up on a charge, didn’t check that the route was secure
Bad news I’m afraid, a mine had been laid, Private Smith didn’t take a detour
So the snake in the grass blew his legs up his arse, no way home by the end of the day
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

You know Corporal Binns, he’s the one with the twins, he was clearing a bomb factory
Bad news I’m afraid, he couldn’t evade the blast from his last IED
We found part of his head, the rest’s missing, assumed dead, no way home by the end of the day
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

Now the youngest recruit to take the salute kissed a final goodbye to his wife
Bad news I’m afraid, he got caught in a raid, fresh meat for a butcher’s knife
First they unzipped his guts then they cut off his nuts, no way home by the end of the day
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

If they really cared for the world that we shared they’d never have started this war
Bad news I’m afraid, an unholy crusade, no lessons from what’s gone before
They show no concern for their martyrs’ return, no way home by the end of the day
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

If they only knew what we’re going through they’d never have started this fight
Bad news I’m afraid, all trust is betrayed, no end or respite is in sight
Why can’t we explore lasting peace and not war and be home by the end of the day?
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

Well how about me? I’m just dying to be free, the stress has got too much to bear
Bad news I’m afraid, I'm alone on parade, all that's left is a wish and a prayer
So I'll blow out my brains, hope my mortal remains will be home by the end of the day
All the pain and despair just got too much to bear with our loved ones now so far away

Love and let live and then try to forgive and be home by the end of the day
As-salaamu aleikum, Allahu Akbar to our loved ones now so far away


[An alternative Christmas song]

There’s a man with a cross and he’s crying salvation for a nun getting drunk on his tears
And a Sally Band plays for a deaf congregation a carol that nobody hears
And the man with the cross he is preaching forgiveness and he’s standing so proud
As he lays a cold Christmas blues on our conscience then disappears into the crowd singing
REFRAIN [after each verse]:
Doo-be-doo-dah, dooey-oobey-doodah, Dooey-oobey-doody-doodah, charity dies
Doo-be-doo-dah, dooey-oobey-doodah, Doo-be-dee-doo-be-dee, charity dies, Oh yer

There’s a man with a cane and he beats out instructions on a dog that is blinded by fears
And a fiddler who plays with the power of seduction that is wasted on uncultured ears
And the man with a cane he conducts a quartet and he’s standing so proud
As he lays a cold Christmas blues on our conscience then disappears into the crowd singing

There’s a man with a tin and he’s taking collections from a beggar who’s outlived his years
And a juggler who faces untimely rejection unbalanced by thousands of jeers
And the man with the tin he’s saluting the future and he’s standing so proud
As he lays a cold Christmas blues on our conscience then disappears into the crowd singing

There’s a man with a bowl and he’s begging absolution from a saint who fails to appear
And an actor who mimes out the perfect solution but leaves with the answer unclear
And the man with the bowl is unloading his burdens and he’s standing so proud
As he lays a cold Christmas blues on our conscience then disappears into the crowd singing

There’s a man with a gun held in deep conversation by a salesman with a mistletoe leer
And a singer who moans of a cold retribution at the end of the world drawing near
So the man with the gun, well, he mumbles a prayer for all men of the cross who don’t seem to care
Then he blows out his brains in a fit of despair, he was caught in the confusion of this Christmas affair singing


[From an article in a newspaper: the utter despair of drug addiction]

When you were just sixteen you met a man who peddled dreams, thought you’d found the answer to your prayer
A pill a day it can’t be wrong if it helps you to get along then three or four as no-one seemed to care
Soon you started missing school, downtown you’re acting cool, what do you think you’re trying to prove?

CH [after every verse]:
Dirty needles, [I need one] dirty needles, [I need some] dirty needles be the death of you [just one more time]
When you were seventeen, left home for the downtown scene, needed space to find your destiny
Two months sleeping rough, cold and damp you’d had enough, you can’t turn back, you’ll lose your liberty
Got no job, got no pay, there must be another way, sell yourself, you’ve nothing left to lose
When you were just eighteen, sold your body as a sex machine to any man who promised you escape
Made you sick the way they’d lie then use your body to satisfy a cruel desire for power and to rape
But the bit that really hurt was making love in the filth and dirt and knowing there was nothing you could do
When you were just nineteen you cut your first mainline seam and chased the dragon to eternity
Next two years a downhill race, wasting fast you fell from grace sharing dirty needles and disease
Where were your high ideals, did you trade them in for backstreet deals when a kiss from the dragon’s lips was overdue?
When you were just fifteen, you had the body of a beauty queen, fresh and clean, you caught the eye
By the age of twenty one you were old, you’d had your fun, your luck’s run out, you’re laying down to die
Six years of chasing thrills through dirty needles and little pills has left its downtown mainline marks on you
A dirty needle, [just one more] just one dirty needle, [just some more] enough to be the death of you, [just one more time]


[Internet dating does work after all]

This is Dreamer calling, is there anyone there?
With a GSoH and some love to share
Need to chase a dream, live it if I dare

Spend my time in good company
Explore the world in harmony
The time is right, it was meant to be

This is Stardust answering, saw your post today
Liked the sound of what you had to say
So I'll send some photos with my résumé

The time is right to live our dreams
Ride them high to the far extremes
And question life, is it all it seems?

We’ll see the world through each other's eyes
Share the good, the bad, find paradise
And live our lives to a different tune
We’ll set a course by the stars above
Sail away on a sea of love
And lie each night under a lover’s moon

We thank the stars, never could have known
How our lives would change when that seed was sown
Through captured dreams how our love has grown

We catch our dreams and we ride them high
Take my hand and we’ll make them fly
Locked in love until our last goodbye

We see the world through each other's eyes
Share the good, the bad and paradise
And live our lives to a different tune
We set a course by the stars above
Sailed away on a sea of love
And lie each night under a lover’s moon

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